1 Individual (Introductory) Coaching Session with Diane

$130.00 USD

Customized Life Coaching Sessions

Maybe you are hurting, angry or stuck, feeling frustrated, resigned, or don't know what to do next. In our session, I will guide you to gracefully move through whatever you're experiencing so it no longer holds you back, affects your relationships, or makes you feel bad about yourself. And instead, you are able to use what's challenging you as a gift to live your most authentic life.

Once you register for your coaching session or sessions, please send me an email with the day and times that work best for you. Each session will be via phone and will last 50 minutes. 

I look forward to connecting with you! Clarity, freedom, and peace await. Love, Diane

What People Are Saying:

I've been fortunate enough to work with Diane Altomare. Diane has always been someone that I could turn to to help me cope with the pressures of being on television everyday... from the constant criticism to those little voices in my head that told me I wasn’t smart enough, pretty enough or funny enough... I know I am not alone in those feelings. She also helped me work through the guilt and pressures of being a working mom.

- Lisa Breckenridge, Journalist & NBC Correspondent

When I started my business I had no idea how much personal development would be part of the journey. Diane has helped me discover internal blocks, handle stress and overwhelm, and taught me how to reconnect with myself when I’m stuck and need clarity. Having worked with Diane has made a huge impact on both my business and personal life. I now feel in control of my life and am running the business of my dreams. I highly recommend her!

- Helén Thompson, Helén Thompson Photography

Diane has a gift for nailing the deep truth behind any situation. The crazy that accompanied me to our call today is settled in truth, understanding and love. Now I feel I can move forward and know just what to do. What a beautiful woman, inspiring coach, and leader for us all. Love you so much Diane!

Heather Hale

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